Thursday, June 11, 2009

changes are coming...

Changes are coming, keep posted...

I've been feeling like blogging again.. lots! but I don't want to start another blog. I want to use this one. However, as much as I like the posts here I want to archive them; keep them available, but not on this blog.

... mmm.. I'm still thinking about how to proceed.. we'll see.



IX said...

my beloved friend!!!

te extraño amistad!!
tantas cosas que contarte y tu tan lejos...
cuentame como va tu vida? que tal la vida de casado? que tal tu chamba? como estas???
te mando miles de besos y no te olvides de tu amistadcita que te quiere un montón y te extraña mas !!

IX said...

mi correo de la chamba es
te adoro amistad!!!