Wednesday, June 24, 2015

3 months + 1 week after ACL

Last week this day, it was a canyon. Today just skirting the mountains.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Random Frustration. Part two.

I've come to realize in this brief sigh of depression that there is benefit in chaos. For it seems random but in the least expecting moment clarity comes through briefly. It is the moment to seize it and not let go as the torrential tugs of darkness are never satisfied with my light. 
When the reprieve is finally upon me, I am left with purpose and my light will not wait. The cold atmosphere of reality fills my lungs, it infuses my blood with an expelling agent and it not only cleanses. It breaks me free of illusion. The symbiote is no more. My light even incomplete was not for it receive. Thus I part to a new horizon.  

Random frustration.

I do feel frustrated and angry. At both actors, one neglectful. The other, blind?
I just don't know sometimes, just like things I've said could have been uttered before and now they hurt. Somethings you say just upset me more.
Fucking limbo, fucking space, fucking circumstance.
This vision, you ought to know, is the same for both. Core requirements and things we need, within our reach. The longer the wait, well, the dream will be beyond reach. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Let's see where this go.

I don't know what it is but there's something about you.
Is it your demure nature? The lack of destination? Adrift in the ocean as it were and taking the view. 
A small kindling that slowly warms and draws me in. 
I feel the hesitation when you're shy. 
I can see the inquiry in your eyes.
On each occasion that we meet, a new breakthrough has been reached.

You intrigue me so, like an unexpected book in which one takes a chance to read. A new world, a new experience. Piece by piece, a story comes together. Word by word, it begins to fill a void.